Mobilize shares its vision for an ecological and accessible mobility at the Dubai 2020 World Expo


Mobilize shares its vision for an ecological and accessible mobility at the Dubai 2020 World Expo

“Connecting Minds, Creating the Future” is the theme of this exhibition, held in Dubai from 1 October 2021 to 31 March 2022. Three core values – boldness, optimism and collectiveness – are firmly upheld by the French pavilion, which are also perfectly aligned with Mobilize’s vision for greener transport. We will explain how.

  • brand vision

1) Dare to be bold

PAF mobilize dubai

You need to be bold to conquer the future, with the Mobilize brand unrivalled in that sense. Created by the Renault Group, Mobilize has been designed to fully tackle the challenges of the modern world, no matter how complex they may be. Its push towards “0 CO2” is embodied by the crossed out circle in its logo. The brand has therefore invested in new sectors and activities, drawing on an ecosystem that overlaps the realms of transport, technology and energy.


But this boldness requires investment and everyone must benefit from the testing of unchartered waters. Through its wide range and abundance of activities, Mobilize is currently pursuing two objectives, which, in its eyes, are inter-dependent: to achieve carbon neutrality and to improve everyone’s quality of life. One example of this is electric vehicles that certainly have their role to play in overcoming today’s challenges.


2) Grow in optimism

You know where you are heading, but your final destination may not be in sight. However, there is no need to panic; Mobilize is currently developing tools for the last leg of your journey, such as smart charging for electric vehicle users. Artificial intelligence reduces the cost of charging your car at home, as well as your carbon footprint. But that’s not all. Electric vehicles literally become an energy source for the entire grid, thanks to “vehicle-to-grid” technology. Mobilize aims to further develop this virtuous circle: to make batteries a key component of urban ecology in the decades to come, encouraging the production of low-carbon electricity from renewable energy sources by circumventing the issue of their intermittence.

Optimism is also the most realistic value upheld by Mobilize, which, through some of its key projects, responds to criticism levelled at lithium-ion batteries, whose lifespan is thought to be limited to that of the vehicle they power. But that is not the case when they are recycled, as the Renault Group is doing through its partnership with Solvay and Veolia. And above all not the case when a new post-automobile life is envisaged for these batteries, such as their re-use in energy storage devices. This may seem like a fantasy, but it isn’t. Launched in 2018 and carried out in France and Germany, the Advanced Battery Storage (ABS) project aims to use Renault ZOE batteries to reach a total installed capacity of 70 MWh.

3) Embrace the collective

Collectiveness is the key to future success. “Go on! Take the lead and go it alone!” Or should we say: “Follow the guides and work together! Because going it alone is no longer the answer.” We must collaborate to create the vehicles of tomorrow. To solve the transport conundrum, which means meeting increasingly varied needs, we must draw on and combine complementary, high-level expertise. It is with this in mind that Mobilize works together with local and regional authorities and transport sector players.

Mobilize is more than just a brand; it’s an ecosystem of projects, researchers and partners, from new start-ups to industry leaders such as BlaBlaCar, RATP or Uber, at the intersection of the worlds of transport, energy and data. Everyone, from individuals to the collective and to businesses, has a vested interest in the evolution of these practices, in order to improve our quality of life or to address environmental concerns.  “Connecting Minds, Creating the Future”: challenge accepted! In Dubai or just round the corner.


Explore Mobilize

Moving toward carbon neutrality, Mobilize is a new type of brand whose vision for mobility goes beyond the car. Thanks to a comprehensive technological ecosystem, Mobilize turns the vehicle into a true platform for services, including energy solutions.

Mobilize x Renault Group

By creating Mobilize, Renault Group looks beyond cars. With Mobilize, the company brings together its activities tied to solutions for managing mobility, energy and data and joins forces with the best partners in these areas.

Mobilize solutions

Mobilize is much more than an offer of mobility. It’s a set of services at the crossroads of mobility, energy and data. A world in which you can navigate according to your profile and needs.

taking stock of Mobilize’s presence at VivaTech 2021


taking stock of Mobilize’s presence at VivaTech 2021

At the main European technology event held in Paris in June, Mobilize, the new Renault Group brand, illustrated its desire to act across the entire electric mobility value chain to improve everyone’s life. Vehicles and dedicated services: we take stock!

  • brand vision

VivaTech is a major event in technological innovation attended by the heads of digital giants, such as the CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, leading French companies and start-ups. This year’s event was held at the Porte de Versailles exhibition park from 16 to 19 June and attracted the sector’s finest. One of the stands that caused quite a stir was that of Mobilize, the Renault Group’s new brand, which has clearly stated its ambition to go beyond automotive. This is an unprecedented challenge for the Group, which is committed to creating services, partnerships and skills that involve mobility, energy and data.


VivaTech was Mobilize’s first public showing, with a stand bearing the brand’s colours and style and a design illustrating Mobilize’s services and solutions that will make mobility more lasting and responsible. The presentation proved successful, since one visitor in every four to the show visited the stand.

HIGHLIGHT 1: Three vehicles devoted to shared mobility services

Three 100%-electric vehicles were actually present on the Mobilize stand, and – a rare occurrence in the automobile sector – were designed not to be sold, but to show the services of shared, rented mobility, as Clotilde Delbos, CEO of the Mobilize brand, explained.


The first prototype presented was the Mobilize DUO, a compact, connected two-seater designed for its automatic sharing possibilities. Based on circular economy principles, the Mobilize DUO design aims to incorporate 50% of recycled materials in its manufacture and to be 95% recyclable at the end of its lifespan. Mobilize DUO will be available in 2023.


The second vehicle presented on the stand was the Mobilize HIPPO. This light utility vehicle is designed for deliveries in urban and suburban areas, and “zero emission” areas. Several interchangeable loading modules will be available to meet different requirements, with a loading capacity of 200 kilos and up to some 3m3.


And finally, the third vehicle presented was the Mobilize BENTO, which is designed for the transport and delivery of less cumbersome items and has a cargo box attached to the back of the vehicle, which could be as big as one cubic meter.

HIGHLIGHT 2: Alliances for simplified, more ecological mobility

The host of new mobility services and their “in silo” use can present problems for the mobile user, which is why Mobilize also presented its Mobilité 360 project in a keynote speech. There are four major mobility players behind this initiative: BlaBlaCar, the RATP group, Uber and Mobilize. Jean-Christophe Labarre, head of Mobilize innovation and strategic partnerships, explained how this alliance came about: “Mobilité360 is four majors players in mobility working together to have an impact on mobility services and ensure that offers are simpler, more ecological and less costly. Today, it is difficult to go from point A to point B. It’s complex. There are too many applications on our smartphones and the offers are too fragmented.”


With Mobilité360, Mobilize and its partners are committed to working together to offer mobility solutions for towns and citizens that are simpler, greener, lasting and shared. Laureline Serieys, General manager of Uber France , who emphasized that the Californian company had joined Mobilité360 in order to “pool our services for a multimodal approach and better-flowing traffic”. She also noted that Uber aimed to see electric vehicles make up 50% of its fleet by 2025. Uber is counting on Mobilize expertise to manage this change. “On average, drivers cover some 250 km per day. If they have an electric car, they need a solid infrastructure behind them. To that end, it will need to help develop the network of charging stations. This is the direction Mobilize is heading in”.

HIGHLIGHT 3: Energy transition: how Mobilize is accompanying the regions

One of the other areas of development for Mobilize is to accompany the various regions in their energy transition. This was the subject of another Mobilize intervention, in partnership with Qovoltis, a specialist in intelligent charging stations. Alain Ballu, Vice-President for Energy Business at Mobilize, noted: “Partnerships are in our DNA. Working with start-ups like Qovoltis enables us to put forward innovative proposals in our regions. Renault Group is a pioneer in the Smart Island concept. Our first project was launched on the island of Porto Santo in 2018 with the aim of it reaching carbon neutrality by 2030”.


At VivaTech, Mobilize also announced a project run in partnership with the town council of Ile d’Yeu, Enedis and Qovoltis. “Our joint ambition is to develop a whole ecosystem to accompany the island in its energy transition”, said Alain Ballu. On Ile d’Yeu, the local use of solar energy is thus optimized thanks to the electric vehicles that hook up to the network. Ehsan Emami, the Chairman and Founder of Qovoltis, highlighted one of the start-up’s innovations: integrated V2G. “In off-peak hours, when there is abundant electricity, cars can charge at a lower cost and replenish their batteries. At peak times, your car could also provide electricity for your home and reduce the charging on the network. This is the first step towards a carbon-free future”.

HIGHLIGHT BONUS: Batteries never die

Over this very busy week for Mobilize at VivaTech, the Renault Group brand announced an industrial partnership with the German start-up, Betteries, to extend the lifespan of electric car batteries by giving them a second life.

Between their first life as part of the vehicles and their recycling, the batteries can continue to provide energy for numerous applications. With Betteries, Mobilize plans to develop a modular mobile energy system that will be made from batteries from electric cars. As the system will be easy to transport, it will be able to satisfy numerous uses when hooking up to the electricity network is impossible: on construction sites, at events and even on small electric boats. This portable energy storage system will be produced at Renault Group’s Re-Factory at Flins in France.


why has Mobilize made the all-electric choice?

the way cars are perceived and used is being transformed with astounding speed! Driven by the awareness of ecological peril and by technological innovation, the moment has come for us to change the way we travel. Mobilize aims to embrace this trend on several levels. Presented as “Reboots,” here are four reasons why Mobilize has chosen all-electric.

ecological and accessible mobility? Understand it in three minutes flat.

Mobilize, the new Renault Group brand, aims to propose mobility and energy services that meet the needs of users and contribute to reducing pollution in cities. Unprecedented in the sector, these services are designed to meet the expectations of users who want to travel in a decarbonated way, without having to own their vehicle. Three innovative and combined approaches to this goal are summarized here. Take just three minutes to discover them. Ready, set, go!