a new car-free generation?


a new car-free generation?

(podcast in French)
  • energy transition
  • shared mobility
  • transport on demand


The younger generation wants to live without a car and yet, they don’t want to sit still. So how can the automotive sector meet their expectations? Is the variety of mobility smartphone app sufficient to cover their needs? What will the future of mobility look like?

Isabelle Rio Lopes, Senior Director at Kantar France and Jean-Christophe Labarre, Innovation & Partnerships Strategy at Mobilize, take you on an exploration of the evolution of mobility, as seen by the younger generations.

Intervention of Isabelle Rio-Lopes, Senior Director at Kantar:


Today, if we look at the youngest generation, those under 25, the so-called Generation Z, it’s true that they are probably the first truly multimodal generation, i.e. one that uses all the different possible modes. These young people easily switch from car to bus, to bicycle, to carpooling or to other sharing services, whether bicycles, scooters, etc. This multimodality is facilitated by their intensive use of mobility applications. To give you a figure, they use mobility applications twice as much as generation X for example, who are their elders.
However, this does not mean that this generation rejects cars completely. In fact, a car remains for them an aspirational object and a step towards adulthood. Our studies show that for 28% of these young people, owning a car remains an important step in their lives. This is only five points less than generation Y, for example, where 33% say so.
That said, there are two major changes in the new generation’s relationship with cars and to mobility in the broadest sense, which will have a profound impact on the future of mobility.

What do you think these changes are?

First of all, the car of the future will have to be green. In 2021, 73% of youth tell us that their next car will be an all-electric vehicle. That’s seven points more than two years ago. So seven points more than before the pandemic. We can see the impact the pandemic had on this perception, this urgency, this need to really move towards a car of the future that is less polluting.

The second point that seems important to me is that these young people are open to all modes of transport, and, at the same time, they want to have an experience of mobility as fluid as possible. In short, they want to be able to choose for each trip, in each situation, the mode of transport that will be the most adapted to meet their current needs in any given context.

To answer your initial question, I think that today we can talk about a new generation that is truly multimodal, open to innovative and diverse mobility alternatives, but for which the car will always retain a central place.

What are the expectations of the younger generation today when it comes to mobility offers?

Today’s youth is pragmatic and above all they are looking to meet their mobility needs in a practical way and within their budget. This question of budget, this budgetary tension, is indeed crucial and is strongly present. Then, they will naturally turn – and this is a very important point for them – to less polluting and more inclusive modes of transport. We are thinking more specifically of public transport or shared services. But it’s true that today, these are modes that suffer from a poorer user experience than others – an issue that has been amplified by Covid.

Beyond these practical, financial, and responsible points, young people are also looking for modernity, for innovative solutions and they want to make their travel experiences agile, fun, lively and pleasant. Eventually, it is on these aspects that individual modes such as cycling, driving or even walking – which has increased significantly with the pandemic – are ways of getting around that provide the greatest pleasure. We measure this in our studies, through the experience of journeys, the declared experience of journeys.

Overall, when we ask this younger generation about the mobility solution they expect for the future, their demand is clearly for greener and gentler mobility, for more interconnection between modes. For a truly multimodal experience that will be seamless. We are not talking about a single solution, but about a multiplicity of solutions that will interconnect with each other.

Are these expectations different depending on where one lives?

Yes, you raise a very important point here. In fact, mobility behaviors vary greatly depending on where you live. This is the most decisive dimension for understanding mobility needs and expectations. In the end, it is a dimension that is going to be more important than the generational effect we just mentioned.

Indeed, mobility behaviors are strongly dependent on the mobility offers available. From this point of view, there are big differences depending on density and territories. In France, for example, in 2020, while the average rate of car ownership is 86% at the national level, it is only 28% in the center of Paris – what is called Paris intramuros – where, after all, many other alternatives are available. Whereas in rural areas, it reaches 96%.

I would say that we have here a key lesson, one that we observe in all our mobility studies: if the challenges of mobility are global – including researching a more sustainable mobility, accessible to all, with less congestion in the big cities in particular – if these challenges are global, the solutions are always local.

Is there a study that shows specificities between cities?

Yes, indeed, we have carried out a study called Mobility Futures: we looked at 31 major cities in the world, on all continents. This enabled us to identify six types of cities in which two key dimensions explain mobility behaviors and attitudes. The first, as we mentioned earlier, is the size of the city, the density of its population, but also its organization, its history, what built it.

The second dimension is really the way in which cities manage mobility. From this point of view, the role of local authorities is crucial to help the development of new offers, and therefore the development of more multimodal behaviors. To give you an example: in Europe, cities like Paris, Madrid or Milan belong to the group of cities that are still dependent on the car.

Why still dependent on the car? Because these are cities that have developed a strong policy to reduce car access to the city center and to develop new services accessible to all. But these are cities which, in the overall urban area, still have a fairly high modal share of the car; over 40 or 50% for each of these cities, whereas, for example, in Paris intramuros, the modal share of the car is around 16%, in Milan or Madrid, it is around 27%.

In fact, these are cities that will gradually reduce the share of the car even further thanks to regulations and the development of new offers and infrastructures. Eventually, the inhabitants of these cities will be able to benefit from new options and adapt the solutions they use daily to meet their various mobility needs. And in this context, public transport has a central role.


As we mentioned earlier, Generation Z was born with digital technology. Using mobility apps and social networks as part of their travels is something quite natural for them. So is, for example, the use of digital payment. At the same time, this is a generation that expects innovative solutions that will be positive for the environment. But they want to keep the pleasure of the journey and for them, pleasure is still of primary importance. Ultimately, this generation is not responsible for the past and does not want to feel guilty about it. Therefore, it also expects from the authorities and public actors innovative mobility solutions that will also allow them to travel in a pleasant and environmentally friendly way.

From this point of view, the notion of mobility experience is key because it represents a real challenge for public authorities and mobility actors. It is a question of offering a travel experience that allows young people to meet both their budgetary constraints and their commitment to the environment, while at the same time making the most of their journey. In other words, to turn this journey into a moment of life. These young people are open and at the same time are waiting for new services and innovative offers that would be relevant to meet their expectations while respecting their values.

If you were to draw a portrait of a young person living in a large European city in 10 years, what would you say about their mobility habits?

In the end, we identified five key levers that will have a strong impact on the evolution of mobility in large European cities in 10 years: the development of home-based work, the improvement of cycling infrastructures, the advent of zero-emission mobility, the implementation of mobility hubs at the entrance of cities and the evolution of the value of time that we have just talked about.
Well, in this context, I think that within 10 years, a young person living in a large European city will indeed fully experience this multimodality. They will have the right mindset, easy access to different modes of transport, and the agility to choose the best mode for each travel occasion.

You may ask, “In this context, what will be the place of the car? Well, they will still aspire to the car for its comfort and convenience, especially for young families. But this car will certainly be different from today. An electric car, maybe one day, an autonomous car, shared, and it will be used only for very specific occasions.

Jean-Christophe Labarre, Director of Mobilize’s Mobility Services Strategy:


Clearly, because this is a generation that is completely digital, that uses its smartphone, that does everything with its smartphone. If we are not able to adapt to this new mode of consumption, we are missing out on history. We want to be able to reach this public with a strict level of requirements, which is very strong, totally digitalized: the least possible constraints, the most possible freedom and solutions that meet their needs.

These solutions can be around a car or not, which is why we also have the ambition to work with the right partners. Last year, for example, we announced the creation of a Mobility 360 coalition with prestigious partners such as RATP, BlaBlaCar, Uber and Mobilize, and other ecosystems that revolve around other subjects.

All this is to break down the complexity, so that the consumer – whether in his personal or professional life – has the simplest and most interesting answers to the question of how to consume his mobility. When we talk about a generation that is said to be completely digital, it is really the simplicity of use and flexibility that we are trying to implement.


Renault Group, throughout the years, throughout the decades, has constantly had the ability to reinvent itself. When you look at the different products the group has created over the years, you could have buses, you could have trucks, you could have cars, etc., but always with a single desire: what are the products, what are the vehicles, that meet the needs?

Today, the mobility landscape has been completely turned upside down: digitalization, the fact that everyone uses their smartphone, immediate consumption, and the desire to have tailor-made products, etc. So we can have things that meet the needs of our customers. So we can have things that revolve around cars. It’s a good thing. We know how to make these, we have been a car maker for a very long time, but we also wanted to see how to approach this new phase, this new chapter. And that’s what led to the creation of Mobilize.

Mobilize is about a year old now, it was created in January 2021 with the will, since its creation, to respond to three issues: reducing the carbon footprint and participating in the environmental transformation. And the will to answer the issue of residual value when we buy a vehicle. That’s good news for Mobilize, because we don’t sell vehicles, we sell usage, and that’s a big differentiator. That is to say that all the adapted vehicles that we can have – I will talk about it later – Duo for micro-mobility, Bento for micro-delivery or things around the cab with Limo, all these cars will never be sold.

We sell usage, we sell service, and we also want to open up to the ecosystems that will allow us to work on these issues. These subjects may concern other mobility players, whether they are public or private, such as transport companies, RATP, Uber, BlaBlaCar and others. It’s really the desire to see how we can combine the historical DNA of the Renault Group – which is to manufacture cars – with the manufacturing of cars with specific uses, and how we can contribute to providing solutions for you.

For example, Marion, your way of consuming mobility is perhaps different from mine. You may want to take the bike or the metro more if you live in Paris. I might want to take a scooter or a BlaBlaCar. In fact, we don’t want to force people to consume mobility in a dogmatic way, but we must adapt by having the most accessible offer possible. Accessible from a pricing point of view, accessible also from a geographical point of view. And we want to do that too, not just by ourselves, but with the best partners.


I think that a key element in this transformation of the way we consume our mobility, whether it is in a professional or personal context, is to work well together at the level of companies, mobility actors and at the level of regulators, organizations that regulate this sector. That is very important, that we are in a co-construction scheme.

But not co-construction where we knock on the doors of cities and territories and tell them: “Here’s what we have on the shelf”. It’s real co-construction, where we discuss with these cities and territories to understand their needs first. Cities do not necessarily have the same needs and Mobilize has a global footprint – which I had not mentioned before. In other words, the way we consume mobility in Rio de Janeiro is totally different from the way we consume mobility in Paris, London or New York. Our aim is to provide very local solutions, in fact very personalized to the needs of a region, and to respond to the problems and frictions that may arise.

And once again, the co-construction dimension can only be achieved by understanding expectations: your expectations as an individual, expectations in terms of transportation for employees and companies, and how these fit into the landscape of public and private offers.

What possibilities can Mobilize offer to this generation that no longer wants to buy a car?

Today, if you look at our offers, we have car sharing offers. If you look at Paris, Madrid and soon Lyon, we have Zity. We also have short-term rental and car-sharing solutions in stations: this is the Mobilize Share brand. We have also harmonized the brands with the launch of Mobilize.

We also wanted to expand our range of solutions. Last year, we acquired a Spanish startup, one of the best in the market when it comes to subscription, a bit like Netflix for cars, it’s multi-brand. That is to say, you go to bipicar.fr, or bipicar.es, it doesn’t matter, if you want to have a car for one month, for three months… in fact, you have the car for the duration that corresponds to your needs. Then if you want to have a smaller or larger car, that’s also possible. These are typically totally flexible solutions.
Behind this, what is very important, is that we really want to address as many people as possible. Renault is a popular car manufacturer, in the best sense of the word. At Mobilize, we also want to have this popular, generalist dimension. To address as many people as possible, not just niche markets. To really see how we can, with other partners, address your needs with a dimension of accessibility on both points, to have the right offer in the right place and above all for this offer to be really competitive.


Mobilize Duo, joy on wheels

Mobilize Duo is more than just a car. It’s a mobile revolution. This compact, electric, connected and shared vehicle throws all the conventional automotive codes out the window to unveil a new way to get around the city.

connectivity working to support low-carbon mobility and energy consumption

Mobilize is putting data at the service of mobility and energy.

how Mobilize solutions contribute to carbon neutrality

Mobility is one of our most precious allies in achieving carbon neutrality. Mobilize is fully aware of this and has developed a range of services adapted to each need.

cost of electric cars: visible savings on the road


cost of electric cars: visible savings on the road

With a market share of almost 12% in Europe1, it’s no exaggeration to say that electric cars are no longer the exception on our roads. Driving this success is a desire to move away from fossil fuels and reduce our energy consumption. Mobilize is aiming to transform our relationship with transport and promote the electric revolution. However, driving an electric car does not mean travelling for free. From different types of charging systems to eco-driving, vehicle autonomy and new on-board features, there are certain principles of electric cars that users should be aware of before getting behind the wheel. There is one issue that is key for drivers: to make the cost of an electric car profitable, how can they reduce the energy bill for their journeys? The answer in 3 steps.

  • electric vehicle
  • energy transition

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electric motors: an economical and eco-friendly option

Impressive claims have been made about electric cars, but have they been proven on the road? In other words, what is the difference in cost per kilometer travelled between an electric and combustion engine car? It’s a valid question, but there are several answers.

First thing first, the vehicle’s carbon footprint. It’s difficult to compare internal combustion and electric vehicles without performing a comprehensive life cycle analysis, or knowing which source of electricity is being used. However, a study conducted by the European Federation for Transport and Environment (T&E) shows that, in all cases, electric vehicles come out on top, emitting three times less CO2 on average than their gasoline equivalents. In France, where energy is mainly produced from nuclear power, an electric car emits 77% less CO2. The percentage is 63% across all European Union countries, a pretty conclusive figure.

While emitting less CO2 is a positive step, it doesn’t mean that driving is less expensive. Once again, it’s difficult to generalize, as there are many important factors to consider, from the range of the vehicle to the distances driven and the length of use. Taking into account the energy cost per kilometer only, driving a car with an average-sized combustion engine costs about 8 euros per 100 km, whereas the price of the same trip in an electric car is no more than 3 euros. There’s simply no competition. Electric car 1, internal combustion car 0. This is one of the reasons why all the vehicles in the Mobilize range are 100% electric.

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eco-driving, reducing energy consumption behind the wheel

Regardless of the source of energy used, eco-driving is an active way of reducing your costs, increasing vehicle autonomy and reducing environmental impact. By adopting electric eco-driving habits, you can save precious kilowatts and, as a result, recharge your batteries less often.

The best rules to follow behind the wheel are the same as those for combustion engine vehicles: avoid sudden, energy-intensive bursts of acceleration and sharp braking, ensure your tires are properly inflated, and maintain a steady speed on the road as much as possible. These are all good practices to help save energy and drive safely. What’s more, driving at high speeds, i.e. above 100 km/h, tends to reduce electric vehicle autonomy. So, the key is to ease off the gas.

Electric vehicles have specifically-designed smart systems that help minimize consumption, such as preheating the interior of the vehicle when it’s connected to the charging station, which reduces energy consumption while driving. Another example is the “eco” driving mode available in most vehicles, including those produced by Renault Group, which optimizes engine performance in real time and can increase the vehicle’s range by up to 10%. When combined with eco-driving habits, these features can save a considerable amount of energy.

On a more technical note, regenerative braking is a mechanism which recovers the kinetic energy produced when a vehicle is braking or slowing down. In practical terms, the electric motor acts as a dynamo, generating an electric current that recharges the battery. This provides power to the vehicle and thus additional energy, which means more kilometers on the road and substantial savings after each journey. Combustion engine vehicles cannot really compete in this field.

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the cost to charge an electric car: a significant advantage

Drivers often forget that saving energy while at the wheel is not just about the vehicle itself. Battery charging systems also have a major impact.

By opting for a private home charging system to recharge your batteries, whether installed at home or at work, you have more control over the charging time and, in particular, can choose the best time to hook up your car. Connected services like Mobilize Smart Charge automatically select the right time to charge your car when electricity is at its cheapest. So all you have to do is get behind the wheel and go.

When out on the road, the Mobilize Charge Pass service, via the MY Renault app, will give you the locations of charging stations, making up the largest network in Europe. In this way, you can determine charging costs in advance and plan your journey according to your budget.

It really is quite easy to save money when driving an electric car. However, it involves adopting various practices that, when combined, will increase your vehicle’s autonomy. All Mobilize services are designed to facilitate this eco-mobility approach, which ultimately promotes less energy-intensive travel for greater peace of mind.


2 Transport & Environment


the electric car range anxiety

The success of electric vehicles has prompted new questions about the automobile and mobility. Among them, range is the first thing drivers consider before choosing a car.

why Mobilize has made the all-electric choice

The way cars are perceived and used is being transformed with astounding speed! Driven by the awareness of ecological peril and by technological innovation, the moment has come for us to change the way we travel.

connectivity working to support low-carbon mobility and energy consumption

Mobilize is putting data at the service of mobility and energy.

connectivity working to support low-carbon mobility and energy consumption: Mobilize at your service


connectivity working to support low-carbon mobility and energy consumption: Mobilize at your service

To promote carbon neutrality, Mobilize is putting data at the service of mobility and energy. Digital is everywhere, at the core of everyday apps and platforms for professionals. Here’s an explanation in figures!

  • connectivity
  • electric vehicle
  • energy transition
  • shared mobility


with smart charging, you pay 15% less for your top-ups at home*

Currently available in France, Belgium and the Netherlands, Mobilize Smart Charge controls electric vehicle charging intelligently. This app also helps to keep the electrical grid balanced. It promotes the use of renewable energies by compensating for their intermittency. Budget wise, Mobilize Smart Charge also supports off-peak hours, with financial rewards for smart green electricity use.


instantly manage your vehicle fleet on the iCabbi digital platform!

Because it computes customer routes and driver availability in real time, iCabbi optimises fleet management for taxi and chauffeur-driven vehicle companies. A Mobilize partner since 2018, this Irish company uses the cloud to deliver an automated solution designed to meet the expectations of passengers, drivers and managers alike. A fleet performance analysis tool thanks to the data collected – iCabbi Insights – is also available.


book your Zity car-sharing vehicle whenever you want!

Thanks to the Zity by Mobilize app available on Android and Apple store, you can rent an electric car whenever you want, at any time. Operational in Madrid, Lyon and Milan, Zity by Mobilize convinces its customers, the “Zityzens”, thanks to its ease of use and efficiency.


equip your vehicles and manage your fleet with glide.io!

With more than 6,700 vehicles already equipped with the glide.io technology in 150 projects across the globe, Mobilize subsidiary glide.io is targeting businesses, mobility operators and car rental companies who want to expand the use of car sharing through digital tools. The principle? To optimise car pools, glide.io is developing a technology that is compatible with all vehicle types. This 100% digital platform is linked to on-board units that monitor each vehicle in real time.


travel light across Europe with Mobilize Charge Pass

The Mobilize Charge Pass app delivers access to a network of over 600,000 charge points across 25 European countries. It lets users locate the nearest recharging station with an available charge point compatible with their vehicle, shows the tariffs and displays the route to get there. Once the car is plugged in, a charging session can be started with Mobilize Charge Pass. Only a single payment cardrequired for all charge point operators – no subscription. 


for one hour’s vehicle rental in Ikea car parks

Can’t get your Ikea furniture into your car? Just download the Mobilize Share app to your smartphone and let it guide you. Mobilize rents a van, from 15 euros per hour, directly on Ikea car parks. The two brands are partnering to provide this service. With just a few clicks, a selfie and some information to provide (driving licence, etc.), users are done registering in 15 minutes max.  


the number of vehicles already eligible for the battery certificate is constantly increasing!

Thanks to its technology based on driving and charging data provided by the electric vehicle’s Battery Management System (BMS), Mobilize launched the “battery certificate” in December 2021. This document attests to an electric vehicle battery’s remaining energy capacity. By February 2022, the battery certificate covered 175,000 cars and that figure is set to rise. Accessible from a smartphone and the internet, the certificate is aimed at users of vehicles from the Renault and Dacia electric E-TECH family (Megane, Zoe, Kangoo, Twingo and Spring). What’s the main benefit of this innovation? Increasing the residual value of used electric vehicles by reassuring the buyer about their battery capacity.

* Typical savings calculated on the basis of charging a Megane E- tech 100% electric (60 kWh) car in France from a mains socket under a “peak/off-peak” utility contract (with a difference of 2 cents between the two tariffs) through 100% use of the Mobilize Smart Charge service in off-peak hours only (based on a kWh tariff of 17 cents) and an annual consumption of 2,600 kWh (i.e. 20,000 km/year, or 43 full battery recharges).


from microwatts to big impact

Stationary energy storage is a new stage for electric vehicle batteries. Roch Drozdowski-Strehl, Managing and Yasmine Assef make us discover its immense potential!

how Mobilize solutions contribute to carbon neutrality

Mobility is one of our most precious allies in achieving carbon neutrality.

transportation at all scales

Mobilize in line with the energy transition in a small, medium or large city… there are solutions for each one!

from microwatts to big impact

podcast mobilize

from microwatts to big impact

  • electric vehicle
  • energy storage
  • energy transition


The battery is known for powering our electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles. But did you know that these wonderful little objects can do much more than that? Did you know that batteries could be reborn, outside of vehicles, and bring energy to everyone?

Roch Drozdowski-Strehl, Managing Director of the Institut Photovoltaïque of Île-de-France, and Yasmine Assef, Performance Director of the Energy Department at Mobilize, take you on a journey to discover the immense potential of stationary storage!

Talk with Roch Drozdowski-Streh, CEO of the Institut Photovoltaïque of Île-de-France:


First of all, thank you for your invitation. It would be useful indeed to begin our discussion by defining what the energy transition is. We are at a key moment in our history, and in the public debate on energy and climate, as we are defining our strategy to get out of fossil fuels. We aim to reach carbon neutrality by 2050 as per the Paris Agreement objectives.

This transformation away from fossil fuels must be completed in just three decades, and accelerated substantially by 2030. 2030 is an important milestone for Europe already, as it corresponds to a 55% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions versus the 1990 baseline.

It’s interesting to note one thing the International Energy Agency has been insisting on in its latest communications. In a context of rising global energy prices, the problems of the end of the world and the end of the month find a common response in the energy transition. In other words, moving away from fossil fuels is not just a climate imperative, it is also a matter of energy affordability and security of supply.

Which are the most promising innovations to sustain the energy transition?

Well there are different options to accomplish this transition, one of the latest studies on the subject was released in October 2021 by RTE, which is the company in charge of electricity transmission in France. Through broad consultation it explores the different ways to achieve carbon neutrality in 2050.

These different scenarios have common points: lower energy consumption, higher share of electricity, increasing use of renewable energies.

Innovation will be a powerful driver of this transformation – we will find it on many levels. We will find it upstream: as you said, the development of a decarbonised power generation with available technologies and the upcoming new generations, solar for instance.

We will find it downstream, find ways to foster energy sobriety to help us consume less and better. In the effort to electrify a growing number of uses, transportation for instance, to replace fossil fuels. Without forgetting the link between energy production and consumption. To name a few examples, parts of the networks will have to evolve in order to communicate more, electricity storage will be further developed, new means of controlling consumption will appear, some systems will have to adapt to the effects of climate change.

Could the development of renewable energies and the boom of electric cars affect or disrupt that connective network?

That’s a very good point, indeed one of the characteristics of renewable energies is that they are fluctuating. Take solar energy for instance: the amount of energy delivered to earth by the sun is gigantic – more than 8,000 times the world’s annual energy consumption. That said, a solar panel at night does not produce. Nor does a wind turbine if there is no wind. It is very different from other means of energy production, called controllable, which can be turned on when you want – say in the winter to produce heat, orduring the summer to produce cold.

So what should we do with this renewable energy that is delivered to us according to the weather rather than consumer demand? Well, in order of priority: first, use it of course, locally if there is a demand to serve. Second, move it in space, via the networks, if it is needed in a different place. Or third, move it in time, via energy storage, as this energy available now might be needed at another time.

Depending on the charging strategy, electric vehicles can thus be helping us increase the share of renewables in our consumption.

And maybe you believe in a virtuous circle. What could that virtuous circle be?

We have already talked about electrification: the development of electric mobility is one of the levers of the energy transition. Beyond that, the electric vehicles can become adaptive consumers in the face of a production whichdepends on the weather rather than demand. The driver becomes an actor in the energy transition by accepting that an algorithm adjusts the vehicle’s charging according to the availability of renewable energy.

We can go further, as the vehicle remains parked on average more than 90% of the time, if we imagine that it is capable of returning part of its energy to the grid when it is needed. The vehicle could then contribute even more to the supply/demand balance, which is so important for the electrical grid, by becoming what we could call a prosumer, a producer and consumer at the same time.

You mean the EV (electric vehicle) battery isn’t used just for running the car?

Exactly, in this scenario, the electric vehicle is a dynamic part of the energy system. It actively participates in the integration of carbon-free energy in our consumption, and reinforces the resilience of the electricity network. That is to say, it increases its capacity to deal with unforeseen events.

And for the batteries, what are the benefits to recycling them?

Well on that point, we need to place what we call circularity at the heart of technological development and innovation. We need to move away from an understanding of the world that assumes that what nature provides us with is available in unlimited quantities, and that is unconcerned with the type, quantities and fate of the waste we produce. We have 3 words to move in the right direction: reduce, reuse, recycle. Reduce: to reduce our consumption, the quantity of resources needed to make a product or service. Reuse: explore all avenues of recovery, find second lives for our products. Finally recycle: once the product is used, maximise its value as a raw material for other products.

Could you give us some examples of stationary storage usage?

Well from a network perspective, storage is an ideal flexible resource to support the energy transition. Currently, hydraulic storage with pump storage stations remains the most widely deployed technology. Having said that, one of the effects of the rise of electric mobility has been a considerable reduction in the price of batteries. Therefore, battery-based stationary storage has benefited from this and is developing rapidly. There are several use cases we can think of. It can be integrated into the grids to help stabilise fluctuating production. It can be part of a production unitto make the output of a solar or wind farm more predictable. It can also be placed behind the meter to lower the electricity bill or support the consumption of self-generated energy. In short, the energy storage function is an essential level of the energy transition.

Talk with Yasmine Assef, Performance Director of Mobilize’s Energy Department:

Roch just told us previously about energy storage in the electric vehicles, but let’s focus now on the stationary storage. Isn’t this quite counter-intuitive for a mobility object?

It is actually complementary. Batteries are of course designed first of all for mobility purposes and cars. However, we can imagine they remain in the car for 10 to 15 years for mobility and we consider that we can give them a “second life” and re-use them for other purposes for another 10 to 15 years. One of them is the energy stationary storage.

How does stationary energy storage work concretely, Yasmine?

Batteries are an equipment to store electricity and give it back when it is necessary. For example, we can store the electricity generated by wind turbines or solar panels when they are abundant. Instead of losing them, we can store them in the batteries and use them later when the wind is not blowing or the sun is not shining. This helps to integrate more renewables in the energy mix.

Depending on the number of batteries used, we will have smaller or bigger storages. So for a small number of batteries we can imagine portable storage, which can be used instead of old diesel generators. And you can also use more batteries for a bigger system that will work at national scale in relation to with the national power grid.


I was just saying that you can have big and small storage, so Advanced battery Storage is a big scale project connected to the national grid. This project consists of using EV battery packs, exactly the same as you have in a car. You just take them out, connect them together inside a maritime container, and plug it into the electricity Grid.  This system will provide electricity, help to stabilize the grid and thus increase the part of renewable energy.

There is a high environmental benefit because first of all, you will doublethe utilization period of the automotive battery. In that sense, we will reduce the carbon footprint of electric vehicles over their lifecycle. Second benefit, we increase the part of renewable energy in the grid and by way of consequence, reduce the part of fossil-based energies. That’s the goal of Advanced Battery Storage. These are big containers, and each contains between 30 to 50 batteries presenting 1MWh of electricity storage. This is approximately 3 months of consumption for a French household.


Today, we do have 3 installations already. 2 are in operation for months, one in Douai, in Renault production plant and the other one in Germany, in a former coal-fired power station today shut down. It’s a real example of the changing going from coal to renewable energy. The third one is installed already in the Renault Refactory plant at Flins, where the ZOE cars are manufactured. This one is quite big, it represents 15MWh of storage. It will be in operation very soon. The Advanced Battery Storage full program will reach 70MWh, which will represent the biggest stationary storage installation based on EV batteries in Europe.

Does Mobilize aim to become an energy player?

Mobilize and Mobilize Energy is connecting the e-mobility sector to the energy sector. With the large number of electric vehicles coming to European roads, to give an example 15 million electric vehicles on the French roads in 2030, EV will represent a huge capacity. A huge capacity for virtual storage – not stationary but mobile, cars are running around – and this represents a substantial opportunity of additional business for Mobilize.


transportation at all scales

Mobilize in line with the energy transition in a small, medium or large city… there are solutions for each one!

how to successfully create an energy-autonomous “smart island”

Many battles remain to be won to introduce the transportation of tomorrow and achieve an ecological transition.

stationary storage: batteries at the service of renewable energies

What if we focused on batteries of electric vehicles to accelerate the energy transition?

how do Mobilize solutions contribute to carbon neutrality?


how do Mobilize solutions contribute to carbon neutrality?

Mobility is one of our most precious allies in achieving carbon neutrality. Mobilize is fully aware of this and has developed a range of services adapted to each need. The quicker our mobility habits evolve, the better the outcome for the climate. Still not sure? We’ll explain everything with some figures for back-up.

  • connectivity
  • electric vehicle
  • energy storage
  • energy transition
  • shared mobility

year of carbon neutrality

…for Renault Group in Europe particularly thanks to Mobilize. The new brand offers mobility solutions with reduced CO2 emissions: electric, of course, but also shared and multi-modal. Mobilize promotes renewable energies, circumventing the issue of their intermittence: green electricity is stocked in the battery, by the electric vehicle, as later in its second life. With fewer new cars and batteries needed, Mobilize reduces the carbon footprint and is part of a more circular economy.

100% electric vehicles dedicated to mobility services

Innovation plays a key role in the design of Mobilize vehicles, as well as in their marketing: their drivers only pay for what they use. The Limo sedan is the perfect taxi or ride-hailing vehicle; the compact Duo vehicle will suit shared mobility; with its storage compartment, Bento has been designed for transporting small objects; while the modular Hippo vehicle will be ideal for last mile delivery.

energy capacity of stationary storage

With its Advanced Battery Storage (ABS) system, Mobilize uses electric batteries, before and after their life in vehicles, to regulate the national grid frequency, so that it benefits from a maximum of green energy. Thanks to their storage capacity, the batteries contribute to matching fluctuations in renewable energy production with fluctuations in consumer demand.

carbon footprint of electric vehicles vs combustion vehicles

…on average in Europe: across its entire lifetime an electric vehicle emits almost 3 times less CO2 (-63%) than an internal combustion vehicle*. Even if its production requires more energy, the effect is drastically inversed once the car is on the road. To take it to the next level, Mobilize is going beyond the individual car pattern, in favour of electric vehicles destined to be leased with related services.

electricity circulation

Already today, with Mobilize smart charge, the vehicle smartly charges when electricity has the lowest carbon content. In the future, with V2G (vehicle-to-grid) technology, a vehicle could restore some of the energy of its battery to the grid to help it tackle peaks in consumption without needing to turn to carbon electricity production.

electrified vehicles shared via the Mobilize services

Only use a vehicle when you really need to? With developments in society and environmental challenges, car sharing is an innovative solution, which can be managed from your smartphone. Mobilize share is already available in a dozen countries to rent a car by the hour or by the day. Zity by Mobilize is a free-floating car-sharing system already well-known in Madrid and Paris, starting from one minute and without a time limit.

charging stations in Europe

… almost eight times more than six years ago! The fear of running out of power for lack of a recharging solution is dissipating and electromobility is taking off. In addition, with Mobilize charge pass, drivers of Renault electric or rechargeable hybrid vehicles can access the largest network of charging stations in Europe with just one card and no subscription.

equipping your company with charging stations is there a breeze

Fleets are becoming more and more electrified, for the benefit of the energy transition and without neglecting the economic aspect. To meet the needs of professionals, Mobilize power solutions handles the design, installation, use and maintenance of charging infrastructure in any type of business. This service maximises the efficiency of charging stations, without unnecessary over-investment.

modulable capacity of the 100% electric generator

The betterGen, developed by betteries with the support of Mobilize, replaces polluting generators. Made up of used battery modules from electric vehicles, it produces zero emissions, and is silent and modulable. It delivers 48V direct current or 220V alternating current. Its charging system even allows it to be adapted to a solar panel…

* Transport & Environment 2020


transportation at all scales

Mobilize in line with the energy transition in a small, medium or large city… there are solutions for each one!

why Mobilize has made the all-electric choice

Driven by the awareness of ecological peril and by technological innovation, the moment has come for us to change the way we travel.

key figures about the only car that’s not for sale

Mobilize Limo: what options for this new offering? who for? and most importantly, when’s it for?

my battery, trusted partner of the energy transition


my battery, trusted partner of the energy transition


  • electric vehicle
  • energy storage
  • energy transition

Moving away from fossil fuels places solar and wind as essential power sources of the energy transition. Mobilize, a brand committed to carbon neutrality, seeks to foster greater integration of such renewable energy sources in the energy mix. How? Thanks to stationary storage solutions like Advanced Battery Storage. In utilising electric vehicle batteries, it also serves to extend their life span…it’s time to find out more.



Every second of every day, we use energy. To move, to communicate, to heat… Around the world, such use of energy is still heavily dependent on fossil fuels. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), coal, gas, and oil still account for 80% of global energy production. But, unlike solar or wind, these fossil fuels are limited resources. The shift away from them and over to renewable energy is a process involving a number of challenges. First and foremost, they present a major flaw: intermittency. That is where stationary storage comes into play.

Why store energy?

Demand for energy, in particular electricity, varies throughout the year and also of the course of a day. Periods of high demand, such as 7.30pm, are currently covered by output from thermal power plants or through imported electricity. Storage technology is designed to stock surplus energy output that is later fed back into the grid later during peak demand, without having to resort other options that are CO2 intensive.

Storage is an essential factor of the renewable energy equation. In fact, while solar power is abundant and easy to tap into via photovoltaic panels, and wind power is growing steadily, their biggest drawback is their intermittent output. In other words, wind turbines and solar panels are great when there is wind or the sun is shining, but what do you do when there isn’t even the slightest breeze, there are clouds in the sky, or at night?

Storage is used to compensate for such fluctuations, it is like a fuel tank that fills up fills up during peak production and empties out when demand is high. It is called ‘stationary storage’ when it involves fixed batteries, unlike mobile storage, such as computer or car batteries. Mobilize is tackling the issue head on with its ‘Advanced Battery Storage’ stationary storage devices that have already been rolled at several sites in France and Europe.

Stationnary storage help compensate renewables intermittent output

Stationary storage and electric vehicle batteries: a perfect match!

In addition to providing a sustainable solution for renewable energies, stationary storage is also a viable reusing option for the types of batteries found in electric cars. When a battery is no longer fit for use in a vehicle, and before being recycled, it can be given a ‘second life’ in electricity storage, which is a less rigorous and demanding task in terms of energy density and power.

EV batteries can have a second life
“A battery is much more than just a tool used in mobility. Once its life being useful in a vehicle has come to an end, it still has considerable residual value and can be used for other purposes that are less demanding being used in a car, such as stationary storage. We see it as the next logical step.”
Program Manager for Energy Services at Mobilize in charge of rolling out the Advanced Battery Storage project

The Advanced Battery Storage is Europe’s largest stationary electricity storage device ever built from electric vehicle batteries. The batteries are stacked into containers (30 to 60 batteries per container) which are then joined up and plugged into the grid. Each container represents a capacity of 1 MWh (megawatt hour), which is roughly as much energy as an average French household uses in three months. While the system uses second-life batteries, there are also some additional unused batteries that are eased in to their ‘career’ before being used in electric vehicles such as the Renault ZOE.

The storage capacity of each container is roughly as much as the consumption of an average French home in three months

Challenges to be overcome, but there is potential

High storage capacity, increased range, small space: these are some of the challenges faced by this new technology. Rome wasn’t built in a day!  Bear in mind that the first lead-acid battery dates back to 1859 and the advent of Li-ion technology and the first unit sold was only in 1991!

However, technology is advancing at a much faster pace is now showing great potential: ultimately, the storage capacity of Advanced Battery Storage will reach 70 MWh. That is close to the daily energy use of town with 5,000 homes! 


With the fight against global warming calling for more renewable energy, stationary storage – and therefore electric vehicle batteries – is proving its worth as a major asset in helping champion the energy transition.

Mobilize : Mobilize, a brand committed to carbon neutrality

Around the world of green energy

In France, as required by current legislation on the Energy Transition for green growth, renewable energies will have to account for 40% of electricity generation by 2030.

A quick trip around the world*, gives a quick understanding that some of our neighbours are already doing well.

Iceland, for example, took the path of renewables a long time ago. It is the world’s leading country in terms of green energy production per capita, with renewables covering 100% of the country’s energy use.

Costa Rica has produced nearly 100% of its electricity from renewable sources since May 2019. The country achieved such an ambitious goal through hydro, solar, wind, and geothermal energy – made possible thanks to roughly sixty volcanoes

In Norway, renewable energy accounted for nearly 70% of total electricity consumption by the end of 2015. In 2020, the share in the mix reached 95%, mainly due to a large use of hydro power. This is one of the best levels in Europe.

*(source: Lendopolis, subsidiary of La Banque Postale)


stationary storage: batteries at the service of renewable energies

what if we focused on electric vehicle batteries to accelerate the energy transition?

mobility on all scales

some solutions in line with the energy transition in a small, medium or large city…

how to improve the energy mix in geographic regions

real solutions are beginning to be developed, especially in the transportation sector

successfully create an energy-autonomous “smart island”

Porto Santo, on track for its energy transition

rural communities adopting shared electric mobility solutions

everyone everywhere needs to have access to mobility, not just people in major urban centres.

the energy from the brazilian sun

a pioneer in the development of “Smart Islands”, Renault Group, through its Mobilize brand, continues to innovate and provide territories with a range of solutions to achieve carbon neutrality.

the double life of my battery

to limit the rise in temperature, the automobile industry must reduce its greenhouse gas emissions.

Stella Vita, a prototype solar-powered house on wheels inspiring Mobilize


Stella Vita, a prototype solar-powered house on wheels inspiring Mobilize


  • connectivity
  • electric vehicle
  • energy transition

Is using solar energy to power electric cars just a pipe dream, or will it soon be a reality? For Solar Team, a student collective at the Eindhoven University of Technology, that reality is already here – or almost, at least. Proof comes in the form of Stella Vita, a prototype vehicle with photovoltaic panels on its roof that power not only the engine, but also the entire vehicle, turning it into a living space. Stella Vita is essentially a house on wheels – an idea that naturally appeals to Renault Group. That idea piqued the interest of teams at the Mobilize brand, who are constantly looking to all forms of sustainable mobility. An inspiring and creative meeting took place, during which the students were able to present their project and discover some of Renault and Mobilize’s groundbreaking concept and show cars.

On the morning of 24 September, an unusual prototype was seen whizzing around surprising onlookers in the streets of Guyancourt in Greater Paris. Hailing from the Netherlands, the vehicle had just travelled thousands of kilometres throughout Europe before heading to the Renault Technocentre. The futuristic vessel called Stella Vita is designed by Solar Team, a group of 22 students from the Eindhoven University of Technology, and has emerged as a serious opportunity in the development of new forms of sustainable mobility, as it is powered by several power sources, including solar energy. And what better than a road trip through Europe to test the vehicle in real-life conditions? And not just any road trip – a 3,000-km trip from Eindhoven in the Netherlands to Tarifa in Spain, powered solely by solar energy, to prove the project’s viability.

Electric mobility and solar energy, a winning combination

As a pioneer in electric mobility, Renault Group now has a specific brand, Mobilize, focusing on shared, low-carbon transport. The brand was designed to rise to the challenges of our time and is preparing for the future by exploring all kinds of alternative energy, including solar.

Along its European trip, the Solar Team presented their prototype to companies, universities and institutions. The meeting between Mobilize and these students was full of meaning and learning for everyone.
Ultimately, their aim was to inspire as many as possible and demonstrate that we can harness solar energy to build a sustainable future.

“They have explored their concept to its fullest extent. Stella Vita is a kind of mobile home that offers the features of a car – it does it all. For the students, this experience represents a shift from looking at the theory to tangibly using their ideas.”
Patrick Lecharpy
VP Design Mobilize

Stella Vita’s solar panels are located on its roof. When the vehicle is stationary, the total surface of the panels can reach 17.5 m2 – eliminating the need for recharging points and giving drivers the freedom to go wherever they want, without harming the environment. On the road, Stella Vita can reach up to 120 km per hour, due to its aerodynamic design and light weight of 1,700 kilos. And, thanks to its 60 kwh capacity lithium-ion battery, the vehicle’s range can reach 600 km on a full charge – a figure that can even go up to 730 km if the sun shines throughout the journey. However, it takes 2 to 3 days to fully recharge the batteries with the solar panels when the prototype is stopped. That’s why it is also equipped with a plug to recharge it via a classic terminal, which is faster than the solar recharge. The prototype can also be plugged into standard electric charging points, guaranteeing mobility in all weather conditions.

stella vita
In driving mode, the total surface of the solar panels folded on the roof of Stella Vita is 8,8m2 for more aerodynamics

A voiture à vivre? That sounds familiar…

Solar energy collected by the rooftop panels powers the equipment in this prototype, which also functions as a living space. Renault has a long history with voitures à vivre – it’s not just a former slogan and state of mind symbolising a previous era, but an idea that continues to inspire the brand today. Stella Vita aligns perfectly with this vision and even goes further as a sort of house on wheels. According to the creators, this prototype represents the future of sustainable transportation – a mobile home where users can live and even work while travelling, powered by the energy of the sun.

“We all got together to think about it and realised that we had excess energy remaining from solar panels. We wondered what we could do with it, and came up with a car you can live in.” Lowe Blom, Aerodynamics Engineer Solar Team

When stationary, Stella Vita’s mobile roof rises to create more space inside, while the lateral wings extend, doubling the surface space of the solar panels. Want to watch tv, cook, or take a shower? No problem – the car is kitted out with a kitchen, a bed, a sofa, a shower and a toilet, all of which is powered by solar energy. An infotainment system enables users to visualise their energy consumption in real-time, giving them greater control of how they use it.

The innovation behind Stella Vita has therefore been incorporated in Mobilize’s vision and its research into the development of new, increasingly bold and sustainable mobility solutions.

This original project, which went far beyond its original educational context, is the result of the collective efforts of the students in Solar Team who come from multiple disciplines – such as mechanical and electric engineering, computer science and industrial design. That cross-disciplinary approach left its mark on Laurens Van Den Acker, the head of design for Renault Group, who also studied at Eindhoven University of Technology who had a real interest in meeting the young designers.

Nouveau projet (11)
prototype mobilize 13
prototype mobilize 14
prototype mobilize 15
prototype mobilize 16
prototype mobilize 17
prototype mobilize 18

From prototype to production model: discovering the Renault and Mobilize concept and show cars

Laurens therefore welcomed the students to the Design studio at the Technocentre, where they could discover concept and show cars by Renault and Mobilize. It was an opportunity for everyone to discuss the future of the project and the hurdles to overcome before turning the prototype into a production model.

The founders of Stella Vita were given valuable advice – for example, learning that when working on a prototype, one of the keys to success is to differ as little as possible between the designed concept and the real vehicle that will later be sold. The students therefore understood that, when looking at the Renault 5 Prototype, that they were looking at something very similar to the future production model that will be sold in 2024. They also learned about the overall transition from design to production series when they looked at the Renault MORPHOZ concept car, the first in a new generation of electric vehicles by Renault, and the Megane eVision show car, which preceded the new Mégane E-TECH Electric, another model they got to see. The students also checked out the 2016 TreZor concept – the perfect illustration of a prototype that became reality, with its reverse L-shaped dashboard display that came ahead of the OpenR screen that can now be found in the new Megane E-TECH Electric.

prototype mobilize 12
Solar Team students introduce the Stella Vita prototype to the Design Mobilize team
prototype mobilize 13
Solar Team students introduce the Stella Vita prototype to the Design Mobilize team
prototype mobilize 14
Solar Team students introduce the Stella Vita prototype to the Design Mobilize team
prototype mobilize 15
Solar Team students introduce the Stella Vita prototype to the Design Mobilize team
prototype mobilize 16
Solar Team students introduce the Stella Vita prototype to the Design Mobilize team
prototype mobilize 17
Solar Team students introduce the Stella Vita prototype to the Design Mobilize team
prototype mobilize 18
Solar Team students introduce the Stella Vita prototype to the Design Mobilize team
“Concept cars like TreZor and MORPHOZ portray a dream for the future, but they are also a way of exploring new solutions. We learn a lot from these experiences.”
Laurens Van Den Acker
EVP Corporate Design Renault Group

Patrick Lecharpy, VP Design Mobilize, talked to the Solar Team students about the original aspects of the creative process behind the brand’s vehicles. Teams design the vehicles as a genuine service, using a creative approach that differs from that used by more traditional brands. The designers do not start out by drawing a vehicle; rather, they think about the overall experience of sustainable mobility and services that could assist not only users, but also operators and cities as a whole.

“Current vehicles are not suited to shared mobility. We need to design new, different vehicles that meet emerging uses and needs. In the future, vehicles will become more connected, stronger and sustainable over time.”
Patrick Lecharpy
VP Design Mobilize

Duo and Bento are two concept cars by Mobilize that were presented to the students and represent the brand’s ideas for solutions to help cities in their transition towards sustainability mobility solutions. Duo, a small electric and connected vehicle for shared mobility in urban areas, was even presented using augmented reality so that the students could best discover the range of services it will offer. One of the students in the Solar Team that we spoke to recalled its capacity to provide a genuine solution to the challenges of urban mobility:

“Mobilize Duo is an excellent way of optimising vehicle traffic in urban areas, and it is much more energy efficient than conventional vehicles.”

prototype mobilize 1
The Solar Team to discover the emblematic Renault and Mobilize concepts and show cars
prototype mobilize 2
The Solar Team to discover the emblematic Renault and Mobilize concepts and show cars
prototype mobilize 3
The Solar Team to discover the emblematic Renault and Mobilize concepts and show cars
prototype mobilize 4
The Solar Team to discover the emblematic Renault and Mobilize concepts and show cars
prototype mobilize 5
The Solar Team to discover the emblematic Renault and Mobilize concepts and show cars
prototype mobilize 6
The Solar Team to discover the emblematic Renault and Mobilize concepts and show cars
prototype mobilize 7
The Solar Team to discover the emblematic Renault and Mobilize concepts and show cars

A sunny future

This meeting provided the beginning of an answer to the question on everybody’s lips: will we soon be able to drive vehicles that are powered solely by the sun’s rays? The students at Solar Team think that Stella Vita is a first look at solar mobility, which should roll out in 2030. But major technological developments in photovoltaics and batteries will be needed for large-scale deployment. The team could harness Mobilize’s research on using renewable energies to power electric vehicles, as seen on the “smart island” of Porto Santo, Portugal.

porto santo
Porto-Santo Island in Portugal where Renault Group is developing a Smart Island

In any case, the sun is shining on Stella Vita and the project’s ambitions. Mobility and renewable energy are a winning combination to tackle the complex crossroads of the environmental transition and the automobile industry.


Writer: Alizée Carn

Read also

where do we stand on shared mobility?

urban mobility adapts to the changes in ways of using and the demands of the ecological transition

ecological and accessible mobility?

users want to travel in a decarbonated way, without having to own their vehicle

why make the all-electric choice?

the moment has come for us to change the way we travel

When it comes to consumer trends in automotives, habits are changing: more and more customers are increasingly interested in how they use rather a vehicle rather than owning it.

Responding to the challenges and problems of travel in urban areas, designing a comprehensive experience,

the double life of my battery


the double life of my battery


  • electric vehicle
  • energy storage
  • energy transition

To limit the rise in temperature, the automobile industry must reduce its greenhouse gas emissions. How can this be done? By encouraging the switch to electric vehicles while optimising and extending the life of batteries. With Mobilize, the objective is to create sustainable ecosystems that combine electric mobility, intelligent recharging and the reuse of batteries to store renewable energy. To achieve this, Mobilize is combining its expertise with that of other players such as the start-up Green-Vision, based in Etampes, near Paris, which specialises in the integration of second-life batteries into other vehicles. Yann Lelong, its founder, explains how this partnership works and what it brings to life with the ex-batteries of Renault vehicles.

Ten years ago, Renault Group was the first carmaker to bet on the circular economy and the electric vehicle. Today, the results are as good as that bet, with the company now number one in electric vehicles in Europe and a leading position in the circular economy with the Re-Factory in Flins. Acting on the entire life cycle of the battery means accelerating the deployment of more efficient, low-carbon batteries, but there is still a significant step to be taken before they are recycled: their reuse or reconditioning.

“The battery is considered used when it leaves the vehicle at the end of its life. However, this is still more than enough for less energy-intensive applications. This is where I come in, as an integrator specialising in reconditioning.”

To each his own!

Aware of the potential that a battery can offer and the environmental virtue of its reconditioning, Yann Lelong, an engineer by training, with a passion for cars, mechanics and electronics, has specialised in electrification and the circular economy. Through his start-up Green-Vision, he gives a second life to the batteries of electric vehicles for customers looking for solutions compatible with their uses… and their values.

The partnership with Mobilize allows him to reuse used batteries from Renault electric vehicles, which – after nearly 10 years of good and loyal service – are then put to a new use. They can no longer be used to power a vehicle but can be put to many other uses. And this is where their new life begins… because they still have enough capacity for a reconversion of choice!

Aware of the potential that a battery can offer and the environmental virtue of its reconditioning, Yann Lelong, an engineer by training, with a passion for cars, mechanics and electronics, has specialised in electrification and the circular economy. Through his start-up Green-Vision, he gives a second life to the batteries of electric vehicles for customers looking for solutions compatible with their uses… and their values.

The partnership with Mobilize allows him to reuse used batteries from Renault electric vehicles, which – after nearly 10 years of good and loyal service – are then put to a new use. They can no longer be used to power a vehicle but can be put to many other uses. And this is where their new life begins… because they still have enough capacity for a reconversion of choice!

Second life of Renault battery

“As integrators we disassemble the components of these original batteries to reassemble new packs. A bit like LEGO that we reassemble with a new weight and voltage, according to our customers’ needs. This is the magic of second life.”

From pizza delivery scooters to food trucks

These new lives are varied. For example, the batteries can be used to power two-wheelers: electrically-assisted bicycles, pizza delivery scooters or this record-breaking motorbike. Anything is possible, including performance, with second life batteries!

A 100% zero-emission foodtruck

Another example is this foodtruck based on a Master Z.E., a zero-emission mobile catering unit, both on the engine side and the kitchen side. The large amount of electrical power needed for the waffle makers, salad bowls, toasters and deep fryers is provided by second life batteries and solar panels. No more need to plug into an electrical outlet or a noisy, smelly generator to provide non-stop service.

Second life batteries can also be useful for transporting pharmaceutical products, such as vaccines, for which the storage temperature must be absolutely stable and controlled. When the driver stops the vehicle engine for a delivery, the cold production is cut off. Here, the second life batteries continue to provide the energy needed to ensure that the cold chain is not affected, even if the engine is switched off.

So an extra slice of life before recycling is not insignificant!

” We still have many ideas for applications with these second-life batteries that we are developing. “

> Learn more on our action for climate


stationary storage: batteries at the service of renewable energies

What about using batteries, before and after they have been fitted in vehicles, to store electricity produced from renewable energy sources?

mobility on all scales

In the large and complex transportation sector, carbon neutrality is unattainable without joint discussion involving all stakeholders. This is the approach we take in designing solutions for every kind of need. Mobilize supports urban ecology projects by offering transportation solutions tailored to each municipality’s size.

how to improve the energy mix in geographic regions

real solutions are beginning to be developed, especially in the transportation sector

successfully create an energy-autonomous “smart island”

Porto Santo, on track for its energy transition

Although it is now possible to access a number of services at just the click of a button wherever you may be, getting around can often still be a struggle when you live in the countryside.

In the north-east of Brazil, the islands of Fernando de Noronha are known for the variety of their flora and fauna, where sea turtles, rays, dolphins…

the end of polluting generators with Mobilize and betteries


the end of polluting generators with Mobilize and betteries

The start-up betteries, with the help of Mobilize, is developing the betterGen, a generator based entirely on the reuse of electric vehicle batteries. This innovation is a 100%-electric replacement for classic power units.

This gives it the potential to transform the independent power generation equipment market, while also prolonging the use of batteries after their lives in vehicles are over. Read on to find out about the three levels to this revolution.

  • energy storage
  • energy transition

★ ☆ ☆
Doubling the lifespans of batteries

Second-hand clothes shops have been all the rage in the hip areas of London, Paris and Berlin for a while now. They provide a chance to give a second life to clothes that have been hanging in wardrobes gathering dust. It’s the same motivation that drove the start-up betteries, in partnership with Mobilize, to reuse the batteries from electric cars, of which there are more and more on the roads, after their lives in the vehicles are up.

The quantity of lithium-ion batteries being made has grown by 80 times since the year 2000 and, over this period, 66% of them were used to power electric cars. The International Energy Agency predicts that this number will be 17 times higher by 2030. It is therefore vital to recycle these batteries the best we can, but, above all, to prolong their useful lives in order to reduce their carbon footprint.

For Mobilize, recycling a battery is the final stage in a cycle which aims first to maximise its lifespan. The charging capacity of the battery is optimal throughout the period of possession of the vehicle. If there are any problems, the Renault warranty provides for it to be repaired. But, even if it cannot be restored to the right conditions to play its crucial role in the propulsion of the electric vehicle, the battery doesn’t end up in the bin… or, more accurately, the recycling!

Because it still has a charging capacity more than sufficient for other uses that are less demanding than vehicles. Betteries, along with Mobilize, which is using the expertise gained through its projects to help the start-up, is thinking up more and more applications to give these high-tech objects a second life. It would be a shame to have to make new batteries for alternative uses while simultaneously destroying batteries that still work well… The two partners are providing an opportunity for batteries from electric vehicles to be reused, making their lifespans up to twice as long.

★ ★ ☆
10 tonnes less CO2

Rainer Hönig, the CEO and founder of betteries, explained how his team invented an independent power generation device made from electric car batteries. “It all starts when we recover the battery modules. We put them together to form a betterPack, which is the heart of our generator. We designed it to be a system based on components we can connect together.”  So the basic unit developed by betteries is the betterPack, a sort of cube made up of reused battery modules. Each betterPack can be stacked onto another betterPack, which is how a betterGen – a proper mobile generator – is made.

Each betterGen, dreamed up to replace a diesel or petrol power units, saves 10 tonnes of CO2 over its lifetime. “Our betterGen generator is completely clean, zero-emission and silent. It is modular, so you can adjust its storage capacity and power,” Hönig said. The possibility of adjusting it to exactly what is needed in each situation lessens its impact on the environment even further. As well as its 230V AC, it can deliver 48V DC and be recharged with a solar panel.

The second-hand market is promising since electric traction batteries enter it when they have lost barely a few hundredths of their capacity. There is therefore a huge amount of uses for these parts just waiting to be invented. “I founded betteries in 2018 with the desire to truly ‘upcycle’ electric vehicle batteries – that is, to reuse them in a different situation – to combat climate change and contribute to the protection of natural resources,” the betteries CEO enthuses.

★ ★ ★
Infinite uses

Power units are used in places the electricity distribution network doesn’t cover, or to provide back-up if the mains supply cuts out. That’s why the betterGen has as many possible uses as its users can come up with: in the construction sector, in the entertainment sector, and even in all outdoor and travelling activities, but also for various uses in developing countries.

This 100%-electric generator opens up countless possibilities, from recreational to the vital. The betterGen from betteries can power objects such as coffee machines or beer engines… in any circumstances! This could be revolutionary for the organisers of festivals located out in the middle of nowhere, for example. Rather than using petrol-guzzling generators, they can get themselves a betterGen to reduce their carbon footprint. The power units used by food trucks or the teams on construction sites could also be replaced. As for fishers, who often head out to sea on small lightweight vessels that release hydrocarbons, they could benefit from using them on their boats.

Another one of the betterPack’s strong points is its advanced technology. It is a connected object. The data from the betterPack is stored in the cloud. “So you can monitor what is happening in the generator remotely. You can also download software and add payment services,” said the betteries CEO.

“Our expertise is expanding outwards in different directions. We know the second-hand markets and where it could be useful, in developed economies and in emerging countries in Africa and Asia,” Hönig says with satisfaction. The start-up will be making use of production facilities belonging to its partner Mobilize to add a new dimension to its pursuit of these opportunities, since the betterPack will very soon be assembled in the Renault Group Re-Factory, the first European circular economy factory devoted to transport, in Flins (France).


how to develop your transportation services

electric trucks for rental, car-sharing stations in real-estate projects, …

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new charging points, prepaid badges, data, …

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Mobilize Limo: what options for this new offering? who for? and most importantly, when’s it for?

used batteries as a source of green energy

they could become key parts of urban ecology over the next few decades

stationary storage: batteries at the service of renewable energies


stationary storage: batteries at the service of renewable energies

What if we focused on batteries to accelerate the energy transition? That’s the challenge Mobilize has set itself, using batteries before and after they have been fitted in vehicles to store electricity produced from renewable energy sources.

  • energy storage
  • energy transition

number of lives that Renault Group’s electric vehicle batteries have:

a life in the vehicle… so that it can be driven; and a life outside the vehicle… so that they can stock and destock energy in many different situations. It is only after providing excellent, loyal service during their two-faceted lives, that these batteries are dismantled at Renault Group’s Re-Factory in Flins, and recycled by Veolia.

potential capacity of the battery at the end of its automotive life

As it happens, the average lifetime of a car battery is conveniently the same as that of the car itself. However, after this time, it will still have around three-quarters of its full capacity. That’s when it takes on other uses, serving the electrical grid.

year of birth of the ABS project

The large-scale stationary energy storage project Advanced Battery Storage (ABS) uses both second-life and brand-new batteries intended for future use in vehicles, which are installed in many containers connected to the high-voltage distribution network. What’s the aim? To overcome the intermittency of low-carbon energy production from renewable energy sources.

position occupied by the Advanced Battery Storage project…

on the list of the biggest stationary storage facilities in operation thanks to electric vehicle batteries. ABS’s energy capacity stands at almost 20 MWh in France and 3 MWh in Germany.

number of ABS installations in Europe

The first two Advanced Battery Storage facilities have been installed in Douai, France, at a Renault vehicle production site, and in Elverlingsten, Germany, at a former coal-fired power station now geared towards the energy transition. A third ABS facility has been installed in Flins, France, in the factory that mostly produces the Renault ZOE.

perspective on the potential…

In the long-term, the overall storage capacity of the Advanced Battery Storage project will stand at 70 MWh. Just to put the great potential of this particular technology into perspective, its capacity could equate to the daily electrical consumption of a town of 5,000 households.

energy capacity of the device in Flins

It makes perfect sense to install the very latest ABS storage site in Flins, home to Europe’s first circular-economy factory dedicated to mobility. Facility capacity: 15.5 MWh. Like its older sister in Douai, the Flins storage site will regulate the difference between energy production and consumption in real time to integrate as much green electricity as possible into the grid.

size of the Smart Hubs project

Mobilize has already supplied 1,000 second-life batteries originally used in the Kangoo Z.E. model for the Smart Hubs project, under development. Destination: Sussex, United Kingdom. Stored in a series of containers, these batteries are intended to power shopping centres, social housing, or even charging stations for electric vehicles.


mobility on all scales

some solutions in line with the energy transition in a small, medium or large city…

how to improve the energy mix in geographic regions

real solutions are beginning to be developed, especially in the transportation sector.

battery and energy transition

Mobilize contributes to integrating more solar and wind energy into mix through stationary storage.